Friday, September 23, 2011

"I happen to have some Paleo-bond at home."

Last night I was a foolish fool without eye protection and I sprayed carburetor cleaner in my eye. To be fair, I was spraying it ON something and it was splash-back that I got in my eye, so it's way less dumb than it could be, but still. It was a pretty idiotic move.

It turns out that 2+ decades of reading safety labels has paid off because I knew exactly how   one is supposed to respond to that situation.  How many times have you read some variation of, "run cold water over eye for 15 minutes"?. In retrospect, I should have just gotten in the shower, but I didn't think of it at the time. I tried the sink first (extremely awkward), then the hose for a long while(it's really cool to stare down the barrel of a running hose), and then my mom kindly obliged me by running saline and water over my eye for a good 10 or so minutes. The hardest part of it wasn't so much the sensation of water directly on the eyeball as managing to not drown while attempting that. When you're running water over your eyeball with a hose or from a tap, the water splashes all over your nose and mouth. It makes it hard to breathe. We obviously need to get a lab-style eyewash sink installed. 

Today you can hardly tell which eye it was, so it really wasn't that bad. At the time, I did think, "Well what's the worst that could happen? I guess I could go blind in one eye. Hey, at least it's not both eyes!"  Also, though this was all kinds of crazy solvents, I'm pretty sure it doesn't have anything extremely corrosive in the mix, which was good news for my sclera and friends.  

Totally worth it though. I have the beginnings of my Halloween costume. Jabba is going to look repulsive. 

In other news, I went into the lab for the first time since I left for Burning Man.  I friggin' adore the Foothill Anthro department. School starts on Monday, so everyone there was in HOLY SHIT OMFG!!! mode which is always hilarious and amazing to witness. When I walked in, most of this writing was already on the board. 

Yes, I blurred out her face because I'm paranoid about the Interwebs.

There are one or two things we need to do.

My coworkers decided that getting me into grad school was a lab goal.  Two of them are looking to do PhD's, and realized they should add themselves to that list too. It's a good thing we ran out of whiteboard space, because god knows what else we would have gone into listing. Though if you're really good at reading tiny scrawl, you can see it says "dry erase"on there because it was determined that we could really use another board. 

Be Seeing You.