Friday, March 11, 2011

Otters?, Frilled Lizards?, and Theophilous (aka Martin)

1) Sooner or later I'll be able to explain at least part of that title to you.
2) Turns out my professor had a family emergency, so the extreme brevity of his e-mail response makes much more sense. It's kind of amazing he was able to respond at all.
2a) On the other hand, I'm getting sucked into the Foothill Anthropology whirlpool and it's pretty hilariously awesome. More on that later (see #1).
3) We're in list mode.
4) Just in case you hadn't picked up on that one.
5) I grow weary of these lists. Jamby! Bring me the semi-viscous paragraphs!
6) Semi-viscous, because my writing isn't really that "fluid"
7) Yes I went there. In the photoshopped words of Sir Ian McKellan...
8) Oh, no,'s what I meant.

In case you couldn't already tell, it's that time again! No, that is not an euphemism for "my ute's peeling." I mean it's time for another blog-fueled paper-writing craze. Though this only has to be about six pages. I realize that I should have figured out how to connect this to death because then I might actually be really interested in it instead of it only changing my worldview in a significant manner.  I did manage to get two sources that tangentially tie into death, including a journal article by James R. Thobaben (fabulous bloody name, btw) with the amazing title: "A United Methodist Approach to End-of-Life Decisions: Intentional Ambiguity or Ambiguous Intentions."
At one point today I was attempting to explain something to an undergrad and used the word adjunct to describe something super quotidian like plastic bags or something and my professor was like, "adjunct?" and then bust into laughter. My eloquent response was, "Shut up!"
 I'm prompted to wonder how confusing it is to speak to me.  [Incidentally, yes I am aware I just used "quotidian". Sometimes there are words that are super specific and really useful. Like adjunct.]

Also the other day...or maybe today....I think it was actually today (SHUT UP! I HAVE ISSUES WITH  TIME-SPACE DISTINCTIONS, OKAY?!) I attempted to explain to my entry-level Cultural Anthro class how quantum mechanics and thought becoming reality are connected. I don't know if it made ANY sense. Particularly since I don't actually know anything proper about the subject. And also because I only spoke for maybe two minutes, if that.
Every once in a while I realize just how far from our society's modal personality I actually am.  Curious about what a modal personality is? YOU'RE ON THE FUCKING INTERNET: LOOK IT UP.

In retrospect I realize that I totally lied to them and told them some COMPLETELY WRONG information, but I'm really not sure if anyone's going to fact-check me. They should. Even when you know enough to know you know nothing, quantum/particle physics/mechanics is awesome. I feel like I should have just showed them this and this

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