Thursday, December 16, 2010

TeleTARDIS Part 2

Greetings, avid readers! This evening I continue my presentation of the TeleTARDIS theory. Last time we looked at overall structural elements and the presence of helpful robots.  Though I feel the evidence presented in my previous post should prove more than enough to convince naysayers, my scientific training compels me to provide a full accounting of all (or most of) the observations that led to my brilliant conclusion, just in case I need to write it up for a peer reviewed journal someday...or someone tries to steal my idea (btw, GO FOR IT. Anyone who is compelled to somehow elaborate upon a Doctor Who/Teletubbies conspiracy theory is probably the type of person with whom I'd enjoy collaborating).

We've gone over basic structure, so let's now turn our attention to the manner in which the individuals in question interact with their respective surroundings. If the Teletubbies are indeed inside a TARDIS, you would expect to see them performing actions similar to those the Doctor does. 

The Second Doctor at the controls
Dipsy at the controls
 Guess what! My theory wins AGAIN! This first set of photos is a pairing of a screenshot of the Second Doctor (played by Patrick Troughton from 1966-1969 and, courtesy of the availability of discs from the Santa Clara County Library, the first Doctor I ever saw. My library's DVD selection is insanely good. You should envy me.) and the, I was going to say "competent" but that just doesn't sound right. Let's go with "the ever-entertaining" Dipsy (he is the green Teletubbie despite the fact that it looks like yellow in this screencap).  According to the infallible Wikipedia, he "is named "Dipsy" because his antenna resembles a dipstick. He likes his black and white furry top hat, which he once lost. Laa-Laa found it, but instead of simply returning Dipsy's hat to the stricken Dipsy, she ran around it for about ten minutes shouting "Dipsy Hat! Dipsy Hat!". He is the most stubborn of the Teletubbies, and will sometimes refuse to go along with the other Teletubbies' group opinion."

But wait...this might just be a freak occurrence! I can't possibly expect you to believe the Doctor and the Teletubbies interact with their respective control panels the same way from just one set of photos, now can I? (What I CAN do well is construct exceedingly long possibly run-on sentences) No, I wouldn't ask you to trust me from just one photo pair.  Also, in the spirit of full disclosure I should admit that once I started finding these matching things it got entirely too fun and I have about six bazillion picture sets that I really want to post but will never make it on here because that'd be entirely too much effort.
I once saw Teletubbies in French. I bet at some point one of them says "Allons-y!"

The Tenth Doctor
 Thus, it is with great pleasure that I am able to present you with this fine set featuring Dipsy hard at work (yeah, it's from the same film sequence. So sue me. Properly conducting this investigation in a manner designed to remove any observer bias would 1)Defeat the purpose and 2)Take entirely too much time and energy), and a fine screencap of the Tenth Doctor (played by David "Sex on Wheels" Tennant from 2005-2010.  Generally I try to avoid objectifying people but I'm afraid I just can't help myself in Tennant's case. He's a fabulous actor and I'd love him even if he looked like Gollum..which he kind of does at one point during his stint as the Doctor, but that's not that combined with his oozing of charisma is a little too much for my poor brain to comprehend and I'm reduced to basic primordial objectification...or something).

Once you start looking for similarities, they seem to pop up everywhere. This fine combo of action shots shows in detail just how similar the workings of the two machines are (in case you're confused, the picture on the left is from the Teletubbies and the one on the right is from Series 4 of Doctor Who).
Tinky-Winky working the TubbyCustard machine
Martha Jones working the TARDIS controls

Let's not forget the communication camera units in Chez Teletubbie and the TARDIS.  By this point it should come as no surprise that, again, they seem to provide shockingly similar views:

Camera 1
Camera 2

Uncanny, isn't it?

With minimal effort, one might imagine that this pair of photos depicts a video call from one TARDIS to another or maybe just one room in the TARDIS to another (yes, there is a secondary control room).

I was going to present my last little bit of evidence, but this has taken entirely too long and I want to go to sleep now, so you're just going to have to wait for that.

Be Seeing You

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