Sunday, February 13, 2011

Because when I get tired, I get irritable

Do you ever have that thing where exhaustion overwhelms your being? When every step seems like an opportunity to collapse on the ground, every moment of movement just to the side of nausea.  I collapse in the corner weeping and shatter every two minutes, but only in my brain. My body lurches on, clawing its way through life because it must, because this is the path to what I love.
I realize it sounds like I'm having a complete mental breakdown, and maybe I am, but don't get too worked up about it. It seems like half my life has been lived on willpower alone. Maybe less than half. That sounds really depressing, and my life is anything but. Sometimes my body decides enough is enough and refuses to go on.
I'm tired right now, but I've hit a point where things may be starting to happen. I've decided to go on an archaeological dig and somehow wound up partially curating an excavation collection. I'm also working with people who do not yet realize my level of competence and intelligence. Or my passion. That bit they obviously haven't copped to. I do not know how to network. I do not know how to talk to people, but my buffers are wearing thin and my core is about to start making an appearance.
This should be amusing.

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